Jul 17, 2018

Why You Should Take it to the Cloud With Contractor Management

For industries including healthcare, utility/utilities, construction, and manufacturing, contractors are and always have been a cost-efficient way to meet resource needs and source the best skills for your projects. And that’s not likely to change any time soon.

But thanks to cloud technology, the way we hire, manage and communicate with those contractors has changed substantially in recent years -- and those changes are for the better. So tell us: is your organization taking advantage of the cloud? Here we’ll discuss the role of cloud technology: how it’s changing, why it is changing -- and most importantly, how your organization can benefit.

“Going Digital” Isn’t Enough

Few would argue that companies who still use manual processes -- like chasing down paperwork, filing away physical documentation, and manually tracking items like license and certificate expirations -- are at a distinct disadvantage as compared to those who have digitally automated many of their key tasks.

But these days, “going digital” should mean more than automating certain functions in, say, an Excel spreadsheet. This is where cloud software comes in. Organizations who work with high volumes of contractors are finding the benefits of cloud-based solutions to be a game-changer; one that helps you stay proactive about compliance and in better control of your contracted projects and resources.

Zooming Out: An Overview of Cloud Trends

Contractor management and compliance is, of course, just one facet of your organization that stands to benefit from a cloud-based solution. Some organizations work with an upwards of six or seven cloud-based vendors as they look to streamline many of their processes. And while some industries may be slower than others to adopt the cloud, the arrows seem to all be pointing in the same direction -- meaning it’s not a matter of if, but when. Here’s a look at the numbers:

83 percent of healthcare organizations use some type of cloud services with nearly 10 percent making plans to1 93 percent of organizations are currently using at least one cloud service230 percent of organizations expect more than half of their IT services to be cloud-based in two to three years(2).

The Rise In Cloud Solutions & The Benefits for Organizations

First, let’s back up to about a decade ago, when IT departments still may have had some skepticism over cloud security. Today, those concerns that have long been eclipsed given the pervasiveness of the cloud in both our personal and professional lives. Now we’re seeing a general willingness to embrace “all things cloud” for industries across the board -- and that rising demand has lent itself to a thriving and fast-growing cloud marketplace.

In the contractor workplace, cloud solutions have also established themselves to be a more affordable option as compared to custom SAP solutions developed in-house. We’ve seen some organizations spin their wheels while trying to develop a SAP solution in-house, only to abandon those efforts a year later due to high costs before switching to the cloud!

In addition to their relative affordability, cloud solutions are quickly accessible which makes it easy to get up and running. They’re ready to use right out of the gate as compared to custom solutions that are developed from the ground up and may not have all the kinks worked out.

Add those factors to a host of other cloud benefits as well, including:

Very little IT maintenance - updates and new features happen automatically More collaborative - several team members can access information in real timeEasier to integrate with mobile and better suited for mobile devices

Cloud Benefits for Contractor Management & Compliance

In addition to the general benefits that inherently come with cloud solutions, how can a cloud-based solution help streamline compliance?

The ability to have data entered, updated and visible in real time is a huge factor. Uploading important paperwork immediately affects a contracting company’s compliance level, which can affect hiring and other important decisions. This is especially critical for companies who need to hire workers quickly -- for example, utilities workers who are contracted after a storm or mass outage.

Cloud solutions may also have the ability to integrate with other leading cloud-based business management products, such as payroll and other business management systems, helping to get teams up and running quickly and with little impact to existing processes.

In a related blog, we also touch on additional benefits of  cloud software -- for example, its ability to standardize procedures, streamline audits, reduce paperwork and improve communications with contractors.

Contractor Compliance Software

Contractor compliance software offers your organization all the benefits described above. It’s easy to use, mirrors your existing contractor-management system (so there is little to no learning curve) and costs zero dollars to the hiring organizations who use it. Learn more or see it in action when you request a free customized demo!

About the Author

Addison Moore
Director of Marketing at Contractor Compliance

Addison has spent the last four years learning from and participating in the Health & Safety community. He has travelled to numerous EHS conferences, trade shows and events with the intention of helping organizations with their contractor management programs. Addison is also responsible for curating the collection of white papers, case studies and eBooks that provide real world insights into the workforce safety space.

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